Marcala’s Fair Trade Town campaign in Honduras has got a winner for the logo competition

The winners of the competition Darwin Noel Cortes, Luis Adalberto Argueta and Dayana Lisbeth Díaz.
The local committee of Marcala fair trade town gave the awards for the competition of the creation of the visual concept for the campaign Marcala fair trade town. The objective of the competition was to capture visually form the perspective of Marcala’s population the concept of Fair Trade, and apply this to design a logotype that will be used as the graphic representation of the project “Marcala, fair trade town”.
The winners of the competition are: first place Darwin Noel Cortes Oviedo, second place Dayana Lisbeth Díaz Bonilla and third place for Luis Adalberto Argueta Pereira. 7 proposals were submitted to the competition and most of them were developed by youth population from Marcala. Darwin, the winner of the first place said: “When I think about fair trade, I think about the use of our land, the water, taking care of the nature, the prices and practices that are created to benefit all.”
Adalberto, another winner said: “The competition motivated me to express ideas about Fair Trade and to understand all the things that are involved in a solidary system that pursue the common wellbeing.
Rodolfo Peñalba, COMSA’s general manager expressed that: “Within Fair Trade we develop a concept that will make us noticed in the world, having an identity in the Fair-Trade system that identify us as Marcala, it becomes necessary to have a logotype that represent our idiosyncrasy, our commitment with the nature. The competition has got 3 winners and from their proposals the final logo will be designed.”
From Marcala Origin Denomination, Zoila Moreno emphasized that: “It was very important to capture the idea that exist within Marcala’s population of a fair-trade town, additionally, we considered that it wasn’t fair to only present the ideas from the Local committee, instead that those ideas should come from the community and that aim was achieved”.
The competition process started on the 28th of May with the publication of the competition’s rules, the 30th of June was the deadline stablished for the submission of the proposals and the selection of the 3 first places was on the 5th of July of 2017.
In December 2016, the Local Committee of Fair Trade was established with the aim of unifying forces to raise awareness on the education institutions and locally in Marcala, including topics as solidary economies. The Local Comitte is integrated by Marcala Origin Denomination, the Arts and Culture group, Marcala’s local authorities, Marcala’s chamber of commerce and COMSA.
A Fair-Trade Town, is a local model that promotes Fair Trade products consumption with the citizens of a community through the administrative public offices, local enterprises and any other community associations. This alternative proposes that producers come closer with consumers through the trade of their products in the local business and the education system.